Expertise level: Novice
Continuing from our previous example where a button click calls out to a method, we can put in the following spec in the same suite
fit('should result in a notification when *Send Via Email* button is clicked', () => {
const buttonOnClickhandler = spyOn(component, 'sendViaEmail');
component.selectedItems.length = 1; // Mocking the length of items - To enable buttons for click events
const buttons = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('button'));
const sendViaEmailButton = buttons[1];
fixture.whenStable().then( () => {
Observe how we pick one particular button out of multiple shown on the page.
In case you are wondering, once you arrive at a Native Element i.e. by means of operation chain fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('elementType').nativeElement
, you can use all DOM operations over it such as appending to innerHTML, adding or removing classes etc.