Shashank Sabniveesu

Writing meaningful unit tests in Angular applications (Part-1)

Expertise level: Novice

Let’s say we are building an Angular application. A given page has a button which when clicked calls out to a method defined in a corresponding .ts file i.e

                    <button pButton type="button"
                            class="ui-button action-button action-button-dark-blue hover"
                            [disabled]="selectedItems.length===0 ? true : false " 
                            save, Export & Email

Corresponding definition of saveItems(string) is in a .ts file

   * Hook method to handle initializations of operations - _save_, and/or _email_ over an array of selected items.
   * Sends the final result to a notification service. (Not shown here)
   * Uses item-selection.http.service.ts (a shared service implementation not shown here)
   * @param
   *  {string} operation The operation type should be one of *save*, *saveExport* and *sendViaEmail*
   * @returns _None_
   * @memberof ItemExportComponent
  saveItems(operation: string) {
    this.loading = true;

    return this.itemSelectionHttpService.saveData(, this.templateId, this.selectedItems,
      operation, this.templateTypeId)
      .subscribe(res => {
        this.loading = false;
        if (res['isSuccessful'] === true) {
          switch (operation) {
            case 'save':
              this.notificationService.showSuccess('Saved successfully');
            case 'sendViaEmail':
              this.notificationService.showSuccess('Saved successfully. Please check your inbox for the export');
        } else {
          this.notificationService.showError('Operation failed.');

In this article, we are going to see how we test the service. Tests for actual UI component are discussed in another post.

We see that this method calls out to two other services. Let’s use a stubbed service for one while still calling out the real implementation in the other. Below is the snippet of test from corresponding .spec.ts file

fdescribe('ItemExportComponent', () => {
  let component: ItemExportComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<ItemExportComponent>;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ItemExportComponent],
      providers: [
        { provide: NotificationService, useClass: NotificationsServiceStub },
        { provide: UninterestingService1, useClass: UninterestingService1Stub },
        { provide: itemSelectionHttpService, useClass: itemSelectionHttpServiceStub },
      schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]

  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ItemExportComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
  fit('should accept operation type save and email', () => {
    const originalNotificationservice = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(NotificationService);

    const showSuccessInstance = spyOn(originalNotificationservice, 'showSuccess');
    const itemSelectionHttpServiceInstance = spyOn(itemSelectionHttpServiceStub.prototype, 'saveData')
      .and.returnValue(of(new Object({ 'isSuccessful': true })));

    expect(showSuccessInstance).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Saved successfully. Please check your inbox for the export');


Hey, what’s that fit(...) usage you ask? That’s Jasmine’s it() method (a.k.a spec) with focus so ng test doesn’t run 1000s of otherwise existing tests in the project. So is the case with the fdescribe(...) (a.k.a focussed suite). You can also use prefix x to exclude (i.e. ignore). There, you learned something !

This is how our stub definition looks:

export class itemSelectionHttpServiceStub {

  saveData(ProjectId: number, templateId: number, exportData: export[],
    operation: string, exportTempId: number): Observable<any> {
    return of(new Object());

Continue to part-2 to see how we can test action over the actual UI element

Take home exercise: Define your own stub for NotificationService so the test shown above runs without errors